How to get rid of Bacteria teeth
A recent medical study that brushing and flossing regularly, could save the owner from heart disease.
The scientists at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland that oral bacteria to seep into the circulatory system, can cause blood clots and lead to inflammation of the heart valves, which threatens death or inflammation of the heart itself.
The researchers reported that the types of bacteria, such as "Stervtokokos Gordoe" that cause tooth decay, can access to the circulatory system through bleeding gums and cause serious damage to the acquisition form of human proteins cause blood clots that can lead to a heart attack.
The researchers cautioned, University of Bristol to that Stervtokokos bacteria Gordoe, capable of producing part simulates protein on their surface human Veiberanugen that cause blood to clot, and this protein called platelets accumulate in the blood vessels.
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