Saturday, 29 December 2012

Some dental problems facing children and treatment

Some dental problems facing children and treatment

1 - prominent teeth out: -

, One of the common situations experienced by many children where this problem is

The emergence of your child's teeth out; especially when you lose a tooth due to a particular incident,

Where you are required to speed immediately go to the dentist specialist who

Will diagnose the problem and possible solutions in a quick manner, so as not to worsen

This problem and which loses several teeth or teeth to remain on the set

Current for long periods or throughout his life.

2 - Broken teeth: -

They are also problems that should not be tolerated at all, and that may cause him

Abnormalities future; as well as these teeth will remain good shape other than during the periods of

Also old, which could cause him many future problems as well as what they would expect from a severe embarrassment among his colleagues.

3 - How to Stop Bleeding teeth: -

Make sure the safety of your child's teeth and nationalist stop the bleeding that will happen to her and that

By putting some plastic type of fabric or "tea packaging" wet on his teeth to prevent

For the exit of many of the blood, and if you do not stop the bloodshed during the ten minutes ask a doctor

In the case of dental stopped at the situation and diagnosed.

4 - dental pain: -

Use "certain light" to examine and test for the presence of some leftovers between the folds of the teeth

And disposal; because the remnants of food scraps between the teeth rot, which results in pain

Severe teeth may lead to their problems not praise consequences later.

5 - wisdom teeth: -

And exit this particular tooth may cause many problems for people which may occur

For children when they reach the age of "11 to 13 years", and wisdom tooth has come out in

The initial ten years although it usually comes out in later years, and when

Exit this toothache may occur in some of the damage due to the presence of some bacteria must therefore

Good to deal with this situation.

6 - the erosion of the teeth: -

Absolutely not drag their heels when you see your child's teeth had begun to decay and corrosion, and GO fast

Immediately to the dentist specialist who will diagnose the situation and how to deal

With it, especially when your children are in the initial years of age; never where you should not

Delay for tracking and treatment of this problem so as not to damage affects the rest of the teeth.

7 - tooth loss: -

When young children begin to walk often lose some of their teeth, they usually have

Cause for concern because the teeth in this case replenished quickly, but it must be very careful

With the speed to go to the dentist also.

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The correct instructions for dealing with teeth after deposed

The correct instructions for dealing with teeth after deposed

No spitting or mouth wash or rinse the mouth for at least 24 hours immediately after the divorce process so that it does not lead to bleeding except one light for ablutions.

Place a piece of sterile gauze and biting them for at least half an hour, then remove it and put another one of the same duration.

After removing the screen do not try to tamper with the ousted in place of teeth by your tongue or your finger, brush or other so as not to lead to bleeding.

Not to drink or eat hot for at least 24 hours after the divorce process.

Do not eat on the side on which the divorce for 24 hours.

Cold drink or eat after at least 6 hours after divorce

Than usual and there is little swelling in the body that has the surgery of the narrowness of the mouth do not panic.

Than usual presence of redness in the saliva after the divorce process do not panic. Continue brushing teeth as usual after 24 hours dislocation.

After 24 hours dislocation rinse your mouth with warm water in a glass where a little bit of salt from three to four times a day for three days.

If you still bleeding from somewhere dislocation for more than 6 hours or having complications God forbid you should check with your doctor.

Complete the prescribed treatment you from the physician according to the instructions specified period even after the demise of the symptoms that you're complaining.

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Friday, 28 December 2012

Tips and ways to deal with children fractures

Tips and ways to deal with children fractures

Children are exposed to the fractures and trauma are more likely than adults, for many reasons unrelated to osteoporosis as most people think, what are those reasons? And how to act with children in the event of exposure to fractures?
My family made Here are some important facts about children fractures:

- Get fractures in children is normal, and the child often actively and excess movement.
- Fractures in the upper limbs at three times the percentage in the lower limbs.
- Fractures occur as a result of the increased flexibility in the joints of children.
- The composition of the bones of children are completely different from adults.
- Most fractures when children get in the growth centers of the bones, which leads to serious consequences sometimes.
- Children grow stronger bones movement and exposure to the sun and healthy food.
In the case of a child of fractures, should not move if the injury to the neck or spine, because the move may cause him serious damage and permanent, and must suspected Xrandma exposed the child to crash or if there is pain and swelling, or deformity in the hand trauma, as well as when moving the parties to the child to feel pain, and here we must not move the party prior to install, and then an ambulance, and can put compresses of cold water to relieve pain until the ambulance arrived.

Children are exposed to the fractures and trauma are more likely than adults, for many reasons unrelated to osteoporosis as most people think, what are those reasons? And how to act with children in the event of exposure to fractures?
Below are some important facts about children fractures:

- Get fractures in children is normal, and the child often actively and excess movement.
- Fractures in the upper limbs at three times the percentage in the lower limbs.
- Fractures occur as a result of the increased flexibility in the joints of children.
- The composition of the bones of children are completely different from adults.
- Most fractures when children get in the growth centers of the bones, which leads to serious consequences sometimes.
- Children grow stronger bones movement and exposure to the sun and healthy food.

In the case of a child of fractures, should not move if the injury to the neck or spine, because the move may cause him serious damage and permanent, and must suspected Xrandma exposed the child to crash أوعند having pain and swelling, or deformity in the hand trauma, as well as when moving the parties child to feel pain, and here we must not move the party prior to install, and then an ambulance, and can put compresses of cold water to relieve pain until the ambulance arrived.

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Effective ways to treat the thinnest child

Effective ways to treat the thinnest child

Thinness means a decrease sharply in weight than normal, ranging between 15 - 30%, and vary according to the nature of the child's body and length, and thinness of diseases that seriously affect the health of the child, it affects the functions of the body and physical and mental activity, they also hinder the growth of the childphysically and mentally, and cause many diseases and health problems in adulthood, Add to that thinness affect the immunity of children and their resistance to disease.

And may be associated with the thinness of some diseases, such as: anemia, dyspepsia, and the main symptoms of thinness in children: vulnerability, headache, pallor, and growth problems, poor concentration, and dark circles around the eyes, and others.

What are the reasons for thinness in children?

There are many reasons for a problem occurs thinness in children, including:

- The genetic causes.

- Malnutrition, the food does not contain the essential elements, or preparing food in a way that lose food benefits, which may be due to the negligence of parents in child nutrition, or because of the harsh living conditions.

- Wrong dietary habits associated with an unhealthy lifestyle of the family, and the absence of a proper diet, such as excessive eating sweets and sugars, and reduce the useful vegetables and food.

- Of certain diseases in childhood, such as endocrine disorders, type I diabetes, and excessive secretion of the thyroid gland.

- Eating some of the drugs that cause loss of appetite dramatically.

- A child with some mental illnesses that cause refrain from eating, or persistent vomiting.

- A child in a state of psychological pressure for a long time, as a result of stress or depression, which leads to loss of appetite, dyspepsia, and weight loss.

How can I treat thin?

Can cure thinness through:

- Dietary habits sound: There must be organized children's meals to three main meals, and the addition of small meals each other, and to accustom the child to eat vegetables, fruits and nuts, to supply the body with vitamins and minerals needed to build the body, as well, is also necessary, to avoid children to drink water during food , and not provide the types of candy and soft drinks to them, especially before eating, and we must take into account the parents not to force a child to eat so as not to alienate food.

- Revision doctor: see a doctor fed to calculate the calories needed by the child's body in proportion to its length, and weighed, and old, and activity, to determine the weight that needs to be increased, and identify some of the tonics, vitamins and minerals to improve child health.

- Sound example: There must be parents set a good example to follow healthy dietary habits, with regard to eating, and everything in general.

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Causes increased bleeding nose in children over two years of age

Causes increased bleeding nose in children over two years of age

Leander bleeding nose (epistaxis) in children less than two years and increase the ratio after the age of two years and then less after puberty and be role genetic factor in some cases.
Spreads nosebleeds (epistaxis) in children aged from 3-10 years. 90% of cases of nasal bleeding unknown reasons and 10% only be the result of causes localized in the nose or the reasons for the general body.
Topical reasons:
Weak vessels and capillaries in the lining of the nose.
Scratches the membrane lining of the nose caused by a child's finger or foreign object nose.
Dryness of the lining of the nose as a result of child exposure to dry air currents.
Sinusitis and polyps and allergic rhinitis lead to accumulation of secretions with peel configuration, also caused poor blood capillaries in the lining of the nose.
General causes:
Diseases of blood thinners.
Vitamin C deficiency (c) or vitamin K (k).
High blood pressure.
First Aid:
Maintain calm baby sitting and pressure on the nose with the curvature of the head down to avoid bleeding in the throat.
Cool compresses on the nose and the front (in most cases the bleeding stops automatically within a few minutes).
If the bleeding does not stop placed drops of blood vessels holding the nose. If bleeding continues must transfer the child to the hospital.
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Information on the causes and treatment of headaches in children

Information on the causes and treatment of headaches in children

More headaches in children and fortunately, are cases of sound and transient and often occur during high temperature of the child, and when repeated may be caused by migraine, and at the same time may hide behind the scourge of neurological significant intracranial and require medical intervention crucial, and young child under four years can not say that he was suffering from headaches and altered mood and nervous and sometimes a tendency to sleep.

What are the important symptoms that may be associated with headache in children and directed toward the cause?
It is important to know specifications headaches in children: Is it the position of the face (sinusitis)? Or halves (sister) or in the front and back (headache tensile) or whether it includes all the head? And is also important to know how much went on a headache, and what are the factors that can cause pain when the child and that removes the pain (the hype, calm, darkness ...) and also affected the situation of the child in this headache, and your child had Bred Ham on the head earlier, is there a story a story sister in the family? Does the child any medication for some other reason? Is heat associated with headaches? Is a child is vomiting or reflux of food especially in the morning? Are headaches associated with abdominal pain? Or with impaired vision? And change the mood or numbness and physical disabilities?
What the doctor will look when examined for a child who suffers a headache?
The doctor will conduct a full examination of the child and will focus on the presence of neurological signs such as physical disabilities and signs of meningitis, disorder in the consciousness of the child, signs high tension inside the skull (headache, vomiting and disorder consideration), and will also pressing the sinuses through pressure on the face , note that sinusitis in children cause headaches when the inflammation and coupled with the heat and purulent rhinorrhea.
What are the causes of headaches in children?

Common causes:
High temperature of the child: and here appears headaches with the high temperature of the child in the context of disease and disappear quickly with temperatures falling child

Sinusitis: note here a long story nominated without healing, with a fever and cough Lilly and facial pain

Caries and abscesses caused him: and be a pain in the hand and reveals necrosis necrosis examine the mouth

Disorders and poor vision refraction in the eye: and here noted the intensification of headaches when reading or looking for a relative or run by Business Status

Lack of baby sleep and lack of sleep comfortably especially in children who have a large Billiard night and snore

Following trauma to the head: the fall of the Child, accidents .... 

Sister: and is one of the common causes and affects 3 to 10% of children 

Meningitis: viral, bacterial, and child here complain of headache, vomiting and high fever and altered consciousness and his general condition 

Carbon monoxide poisoning: as a result of heating and combustion and here notes headaches for more than one individual in the family

Seen few reasons: 

Bleeding within the brain: is rare and pretend occurrence of a severe headache and a sudden and sustained and disorder in the consciousness of the child 

Vascular malformations in the brain: mothers and blood are rare in children 

High intracranial proper tension (due to drugs often: acid Naladxhex, tetracycline, vitamin A) 

Brain tumors: and here a child is a constant headache and altered his general condition and vomiting early in the morning 

Headaches of origin myself: and is relieved when the baby sleeps and addresses to address the cause of child concern and anxieties 

Hypertension in children: especially because of pyelonephritis

Cluster headaches: and that is rare in children

Adrenal gland tumor: Fayyokrumusatoma and accompanied by with donations sweating and tachycardia is rare

You will be a doctor and analyzes images for each child has a headache?
Of course not, not every case of headache, these analyzes and images are not useful often if examination of the child nervous naturally and most important of these analyzes are eye examination laparoscopic and blood analysis year to search for signs of inflammation and photo pockets and imaging head CT or the population CAT scan or magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and other hand, there are some ambulatory and analyzes necessary, such as lumbar puncture in the event of doubt meningitis, as well as not being tomography or magnetic resonance Mahsp or all cases.

What are the cases that should be done where computer-imaging head for a child who suffers a headache?

A morning vomiting with headache
And continuous presence vomiting with constant headaches
Not the demise of the pain and headaches during the child's bedroom
The presence of neurological signs examined child
The presence of edema of the optic nerve eye examination
Awareness of child disorder: a strong inclination to sleep after head trauma
Child convulsion after accident trauma to the head
When children who are under five years
Leather signs indicate nervous fibroid (von Ericleng disease Hausen)
Increased diameter head abnormally when the child
Headache was associated with growth retardation Child obviously
Recent decline in the academic level of the child with a change in behavior and personality

Headache treatment:

Cases in transit and sound of a headache dealing with simple analgesics Cal paracetamol, and headaches caused by other reasons addresses address the root cause

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Treat speech and language disorders and sound when children

Treat speech and language disorders and sound when children

Many specialists interested in studying the process of communication with focusing their concerns on human speech and language as an expression of how speech sounds and output Children learn by interacting with people and objects and environmental events and facilitate the process of interaction through Effective Communication.

The failure to acquire language and discomfiture, which means the inability of an individual to issue votes language properly either due to problems in the consistency intramuscular or defect in the exits sounds and letters or minors in efficiency acoustic or malfunction organic is one of the things that cause the isolation of the individual.

There are four types of speech and language disorders:

Deletion: pronunciation of the word includes incomplete characters or more and often the last word is deleted

Substitution: includes pronunciation votes instead of the last word

pronunciation sound way closer towards normal voice with that can not be imitated by completely

includes an additional votes plus to have heard word one vote like repeated

And children with special needs, specifically those which category suffer mental disability that adversely affect their lives accompany this case difficulties in performing everyday tasks expected of those who like their chronological age are all suffering from pronunciation and speech disorders in varying degrees depending on the degree of mental disability

Children who suffer from mental retardation slightly practicing words Mvhomaimknhm communicate clearly to a large extent with the others, although some of these children may suffer from voice disorders (ringing layer)

Children who suffer from mental retardation moderately increase their private speech disorders be low-class high frequency and one which makes their words uncomfortable and unclear

The best approach may be followed to deal with speech and language disorders is preventable and that is through the family, school and community

1 - family: 

attention to the health of on the verge of marriage by conducting medical tests and analyzes to detect any genetic factors that can be transmitted from parent to child

Attention to the health of pregnant in terms of nutrition and medical follow-up should also be of interest to health care during delivery to avoid the situation and disorders of birth and must take care of children after birth (vaccinations) and maintain a medical examination to discover Maitard speed his child

Providing good family atmosphere of love and tranquility, security and belonging and to work to enhance the child's self-confidence and encourage them to speak on various occasions and in any way with the provision of language form properly and avoid criticism and bullying

Parents must also display speed child specialists in the event feeling a delay in speech or stumbling Ozaor any symptoms of speech and language disorders as well as the parents up with specialists in therapeutic Tnivbar.s. for their children as much as possible

2 - School:

The second school after the family that contribute to the task of caring for children and their upbringing and Baltalaa interest in several aspects

1 - comprehensive medical examination of children when they enter school
2 - Training teachers on methods of precise observation and how to deal with different situations and work on a program to improve the skill of speech in children

3 - society:

community plays a role for the prevention of children's exposure to speech disorders

1 - Provide health centers to follow the mothers during pregnancy and child after birth
2 - providing cultural programs and guidance provided to parents of different media with respect to the growth of their children, with a focus on the linguistic side

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